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Day four

21. More gluing on kerfed lining strips. Clothes pins are very effective here. The laundry will just have to wait.
22. Sanding the sides and kerfed lining strips so the top and bottom will lie flat.
23. We had the soundboards planed on a friend's Timesaver sander.
24. Fine sanding the soundboard.

Harmon's Notes:
Not much to say. We found that there are differences in clothes pins. You want the best ones you can find; the firmer the better. They should almost hurt if you put them on your ear, not that we tried this or anything. The more care you take in aligning the kerfing, the less sanding you'll have to do later. As noted, we used mandolin kerfing. Guitar kerfing would work fine; the mando kerfing was a bit light. Joe's top turned out really nice. We went to Ken's shop and used his Timesaver sander to get it within a few thousandths of the right thickness.

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